Saturday, 31 December 2022

Books and That, #4 (December 2022)

Things I've Read Recently

Books - any format

My target this month has been to finish off books I've had on the go and to get my Currently Reading list down to a "normal" number! On 30th November it was standing at 23 titles on the go, and I almost completely failed to clear ANY of them!...
  • Recipes from My Russian Grandmother's Kitchen
    • I re-read this on getting down to my parents in prep for my annual Christmas baking binge.
  • One / Zero / Kathleen Ann Goonan
    • This was a really cool scenario and build up, which lost out for me by stopping just that bit too soon! I wasn't ready to let the story go when it ended, so I'm hoping that this is set in a wider world that the author has written about.
  • A Natural History of Dragons (Lady Trent #1) / Marie Brennan
    • Bookgroup book. Another re-read for me, so decided to listen to this one on audio while travelling, failed, and ended up re-reading it with the audio on 2x speed the day of the meeting. Still a good book!
  • The Jester / Michael J. Sullivan
    • I needed one more book to make my goal for 2022, so I grabbed this one off my to read list as a quick win. It was short but complete scenario from the author's wider Riyria series. I wasn't feeling to brilliant on NYE, so this was perfect to make me a) less down by un-failing to meet my target for books read, and b) a nice dip into a known world with a simple mostly-happy ending. 
  • While not things that I record here, I've also read a number of shorts and prompted works this month, mostly via Facebook community posts.
Term 2 for Russian starts in a couple of weeks, so I ought to be making the most of the freedom-to-read time! Oops

If I have time, I hope to complete a list of my planned books to read in 2023, just for the interest in seeing how many of them I read, and how many of what I read isn't even on my radar right now! I know that up to 12 books won't be on there regardless because book-group choices, but the rest should be, right?! ;)

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Books and that #3 (November 2022)

Things I've Read Recently

  • Uncanny Magazine, 49 - not completely finished, so will be reading the remaining stories this month.
  • BBC History Magazine, October 2022 - some articles only
Books - any format
  • North and South / Elizabeth Gaskell (Clare Wille, narrator)
    • Still ongoing listening while crafting. Next big crafting binge is scheduled for Saturday, so hoping to get this mostly (if not completely) finished by the end of the week. Unfortunately that also means that it will count under December not November.
  • Prudence and the Dragon / Zen Cho
    • Nice short, losely related to the Sorcerer to the King series but in a modern London.
  • The House of Aunts / Zen Cho
    • Hauntingly interesting. Longer than a short, so took me two sittings due to time constraints this month.
  • Unterminator / Zen Cho
    • Sometimes flash fiction can be great, like a snack when you have the munchies. This was was more like only having a biscuit but when you start reading you realise you actually want dinner. Unsatisfying. The premise was good, but the whole just didn't do it for me.
  • The Guest / Zen Cho
    • This was a lovely short, with intriguing characters. I would like to meet them all again, if possible, so hoping the author writes a novel in this world.
  • Дом с мезонином / Чехов
    • Just read as part of my Russian course.
Term has started for my Russian classes (C1 now), so I'm also reading various Russian language texts, but I'm not counting those here for leisure reading.

I'm now working on what books I can reasonably expect to finish over Christmas, and then splitting my plans for 2023 into Short and Long lists. I need to remember to leave space for any books I'm given for Christmas as they will become priority reads.

My shortlist is things I can reasonably expect to read within 2023, and the longlist is for items that I'm either less likely to read (e.g. access reasons), or are "would like to read soon" vs "really want to read now" - the latter going onto my shortlist. Books which I need to reserve and collect from the library, as well as books which aren't in the library and I'd need to buy, go into the Longlist, but would get moved to the shortlist if I get them. 

Monday, 31 October 2022

Books and That, #2 (October 2022)

 Things I've Read Recently

Books - any format
  • The Grief of Stones / Katherine Addison
    • The sequel to The Witness for the Dead, focussing again on Thara Celehar. This was as awesome as I had hoped, and has left me feeling very sad that The Tomb of Dragons isn't even published yet!
  • Min Zemerin's Plan / Katherine Addison
    • Having realised that The Tomb of Dragons is at least a year away from me, I was rather pleased to see that there was a short story in the series that I could read right now. This is short, but has everything I love about the world in it. I hope that the characters in this show up at least tangentially in the novel(s), as I'd love to see how they get on in future.
  • Mr Godey's Ladies / Robert Kunciov
    • I spotted this on eBay for a couple of quid and thought "Why Not?". It's a small book, but covers the span of the 19th Century US ladies' fashion magazine Godey's Ladies Book. The plates from the originals of this serial are very popular for costume research, and the book reprints a number of these in colour, though not at full size as the book itself is only the size of a standard paperback (although printed in a hardcover format). It also has line drawings from the magazines printed throughout, and alongside the descriptions printed at the time. Kunciov doesn't seem to have written anything else on the subject that I can find, but in this book he manages to provide commentary on the magazines, fashions, and their historical context without distracting from the original texts.
  • North and South / Elizabeth Gaskell (Clare Wille, narrator)
    • I haven't finished this yet - I'm currently 3 hours in.
  • The President's Brain is Missing / John Scalzi
    • I randomly picked this to read before bed the other night. It's fun, it's a bit silly, and it was just right for a before-sleep read! 
Term has started for my Russian classes (C1 now), so I'm also reading various Russian language texts, but I'm not counting those here for leisure reading.

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Meanderings, Mostly on reading this year and Brain chaos

So this post is partly looking back on a post I first wrote in September 2020 but only just got around to tidying off and releasing (On self-help and neurodiverse (support) communities), and partly just on me and reading this year. I feel these topics are related.

I'll begin by sharing an image that ADHD Alien / Pina shared recently. This one was a big OUCH moment for me to see, because it's absolutely where I am right now!

Cartoon from ADHD Alien showing how our brains can rebel against our desires

Neurodiversity Update

So, after sitting and mulling on this for at least a year, I've come to face that I may be at least slightly ADHD in addition to my existing ASD diagnosis. I've tried to prove to myself that I don't have ADHD traits, and I'm failing. I also still find (see the post linked above) that ADHD-related "hacks" often help me far more than pure ASD related ones. The more I researched to "prove" that I don't have anything like ADHD, the more I found things which helped to explain why my ASD presentation wasn't textbook despite my high assessment results.

Accepting these "failings", however has proved to be a benefit. Saying out loud that I can't do X because Y, has helped me see ways past the inability to do the thing and to find alternative ways to get to the goal instead. For example, keeping my office tidy.

I have loads of rubbish in my room, and empty cups, and old plates, plus parts of incomplete projects, and so on. It's awful and I hate it, because ironically having my environment look like my brain feels is a direct impediment for me to achieve anything. But I kept forgetting to empty the bin, or put a new liner in, or simply move the rubbish from Point of Creation to Bin. An ADHDer (I think it was on a hacks Facebook group) suggested that this is from trying to live as a neurotypical. Instead they suggested that it might be more productive to go back to the fundamentals and solve the actual problem without thinking about expectations. So, using the example of bins - established thinking is that you have a bin per room and move items to the bin, but if your brain doesn't work that way, perhaps it's better to just have bins at each point of rubbish generation regardless of how many are in that location. So I now have a paper bin near my cutting mat, for pattern paper offcuts, and because I used to overfill and then forget or knock over the "normal" sized bin by my desk, I now have an entire bin liner tied to one of the clamps on my desk, which I change every bin day. Why a bin liner? Well, I don't have space for a hard bin that size, but a liner kinda tucks under a corner of my desk. Plus "emptying" is as simple as untying, knotting the top, and taking it outside. No interim tasks to distract me along the way.

Distractibility and Hyperfocus

Accepting my own distractibility has been another thing I'm working on. For a long time this has been something I've struggled to accept about myself as I thought it directly contradicted my ASD diagnosis. But it doesn't.

ASD means that when I'm in the task, I'm IN it, and I dive all the way in.

Distractibility means that between dives I can get totally waylaid, and that my next deep dive may not be anywhere close to what I NEED to be doing, or even what I want to be doing!

For example:

  • Working on Task A, dive deeply, but then need some information from an email to continue.
  • Tab to emails
  • Get distracted reading emails, respond to 3 unrelated emails
  • Attend a meeting
  • Do Task B
  • Go to close at the end of the day and realise that Task A wasn't completed because I never actually retrieve the information I went to get.
Example 2:
  • Working on Task A, which involves using programmes on 2 screens, and occasionally a third window. I don't deep dive, but I do focus intently
  • Tab between tasks, and accidentally bring the wrong screen up, perhaps Reddit, or my emails, or an article I was reading at lunch
  • Get distracted by the content of the screen I'm now looking at, even more likely if it has an alert, a "new post" note, or a notification tab.
  • Eventually remember and go back to Task A and have to spend 10-15 minutes staring to remember wtf I was doing, with negative time points if the page I was in has timed out and is at a login or home screen again.
  • Repeat all bloody day
Example 3:
  • Doing Task A
  • Email pings
  • Check email and see it's junk or not for me or nothing with an action
  • Read 50 emails unrelated to current Task
  • Reminder pings to start Task B, breaking the Read Random Emails hyperfocus
  • Remember and go back to Task A, while panicking about Task B

  • This scenario is worse if the ping is my phone, because while I may only be checking for Important Messages, the amount of potentially distracting notifications on my phone is likely to be exponentially worse!
I've found Teams, while more initially distracting, is less executively distracting because it's fairly discrete - message pings, stay distracted for length of specific conversation, return to work. For this reason, I've found I prefer to turn to Teams to communicate when I'm "inside" a Task, instead of emailing. Emails involve thought - who to send to and whether To, CC, or BCC; Salutation; All the text needs to be clear - Teams chat has more space for clarification; and so on. Teams is "Hi, ~request~, Thanks!" and then discuss. Teams can also be "Um, do you know who to ask about X?", with a fast reply. Responses can be reactions, and it's far easier to upload images for Issue logging. And you can go DND and not get pings for the duration of a task!

In my own life this can play out in one of two major ways, plus an extra exec dysfunction addendum.

1. Distraction into a related thing

This happens a lot when I'm in the planning stages for an outfit. I can get distracted into deep diving into a random aspect of the costume, and one which ultimately doesn't really matter - e.g. all the varieties of shoes and boots worn in a specific year... Or the varieties in collars worn at that time, when what I actually needed to work on at that point was just whether Fabric A was a good choice to buy for this project.

2. Distraction because I'm overwhelmed and procrastinating

This most often happens when I am overwhelmed by the amount to do in a project, so in trying to break it down into smaller parts, I overfocus on something utterly insignificant to the detriment of the main components of the project. For example, at school ensuring that I underlined a title twice in a specific colour, rather than starting to write the introduction, and getting to the end of the period with a PERFECT title and no text. Yes, been there, done that!

3. Executive Dysfunction meaning I've got stuck in wrong task

This is one of the most irritating parts, for me. I'm doing something I don't even want to be doing, because my brain is not letting me switch to the thing I want to do. For example, playing a game when I actually want to go to bed. In this latter situation, I've very lucky that my spouse will come to me, ask me "do you need help", and then helps me break focus on the thing that's gripping me, and move onto bed, or showering, or going out, whatever it is that I would actually prefer to be doing. This help is invaluable because I need that external push to re-start my brain into a more productive/constructive direction. It's also, I suspect, sometimes the cause of brain weasels, thought spirals, and some of my panic attacks. My brain literally can't switch from Thought A, even though I want to, without some external input. I am very lucky to have someone to help me like this without judgement. 


Reading, Relaxing, and Resting

I'm on leave today, and I'm SO glad because frankly my brain has been hissing at me like this for quite a while! I need to take leave more frequently and not to do things, just to relax and reset. I find that I mostly take my leave to do things, to go places, or to focus on NotWork tasks. Which means I don't have time off to just read, just rest, just play games, and if I don't start doing this I'm going to burn out. This is especially important as I've been working full time since August, and may be permanently doing at least 0.8FTE in future. If I am going to work more hours, I need to carve out conscious brain rest times too, as I won't have my afternoons to do whatever the fuck I like (or nap, often it's just nap). That said, I have 3 more days I can book (well 11 hours, which is 3 "days"+0.5 hours). At least one of those is going to be so I can play Dragonflight on release day, because Why the Fuck NOT!

So what has this got to do with reading? Well, I love reading, it has been a joy in my life for as long as I can remember. I was a hyperlexic child, and started reading by about 2 - my mother remembers having to briefly step away one evening during my night-time story, and returning a few minutes later to find me trying to figure out the words so I could carry on with the story. Reading is part of my self-identity that I've never surrendered. However, I've repeatedly complained over the past 7/8 years I've been in my current job that I no longer seem to have the times to read - there was something for me about commuting and having a timetabled lunch break that meant I had defined reading times. Since being in my current job, which I love, I neither commute nor have set lunch breaks. Nor do I have people I want to have space from for a while during my breaks, especially now I'm home working. I'm trying to get myself into the habit/routine of reading before bed at least a few nights a week. I've been subscribed to Uncanny Magazine and Apex Magazine for a few years via Kickstarter, so I'm using these as my intentional evening reading. As both are collections of short stories (and long-shorts) they give me a definite thing to read, but which has a clear boundary that is easier to stick to than "Just One Chapter", but which I can go over if I have the spoons. At the same time, if I'm really tired one short story isn't so overwhelming as to put me off unlike starting a new book.

However, I'm also planning to sit down and work through the stack of library books I've borrowed but not read on the days where I'm using up my leave for this year. I've got the following 14 titles out on loan:

  • Regent's Park : from Tudor hunting ground to the present / Rabbitts
  • Elsewhens / Rawn
  • The way of all flesh / Parry
  • The hundred thousand kingdoms / Jemisin
  • Thorn / Khanani
  • The hunt / Neill
  • Children of blood and bone / Adeyemi
  • Blood of elves / Sapkowski
  • Redemption's blade : after the war / Tchaikovsky
  • Cursor's fury / Butcher
  • Shadow and bone / Bardugo
  • In ashes lie / Brennan
  • The ten thousand doors of January / Harrow
  • ✔ The grief of stones / Addison 

I read The Grief of Stones on my way back from my parents' at the beginning of October, so I'd like to get at least one more library book finished before the end of the month. I'd also like to get the current Apex issue read. Tomorrow, however, is for sewing / craft related shenanigans instead. Since I didn't manage to go to the Mrs Gaskell event due to sickness, I want to push that outfit into at least "better" territory (post to come on that process).

Friday, 30 September 2022

Books and That, #1 (September 2022)

Things I've Read Recently

I have three magazines currently on subscription, plus a load of back issues from all three PLUS Mermaids Monthly, which ran for a year in 2020/21. Uncanny Magazine and Apex Magazine I back each year through Kickstarter at the subscription level, and my Dad bought me a sub for BBC History about 15 years ago for Christmas and never seems to have cancelled it, to my joy. Uncanny and Apex are both SF & Fantasy short story journals, and BBC History is a non-fiction semi-academic serial - the articles are usually written by academics, but with a popular history focus and style.
Books - any format
  • Spin / Robert Charles Wilson
    • September bookgroup book.
      Interesting, and enjoyable. I liked the characters and enjoyed the story, I'm just not sure that I am desperate to read the remaining books in the series. This one ended on a perfectly satisfactory note, and I'm content waving characters off into their Brave New Future without having to see it...
  • The Starless Sea / Erin Morgenstern
    • This has the same feel as her earlier book, The Night Circus. For me, both of these were books that kept me intrigued and therefore kept me reading. Because her books are very twisty, I find that I can't just leave them because there is no way for me to figure out exactly where she is going with all her characters. She is a master of feeding you just enough information to keep the story interesting and moving, without signposting where she's going all the time. 
  • The Witness for the Dead / Katherine Addison
    • I adored the Goblin Emperor, and I've realised that I love books about new worlds and with heavy world creation in them. The story in The Goblin Emperor was cleanly finished, so I was worried about how this was going to be a series without screwing around with characters. This works, however, because she's moving different characters to the forefront of the story, ones who were important and about whom we felt had More To Know. One of The Goblin Emperor's strengths was the way in which characters were introduced, and that it was clear that they had their own story, but that the author didn't distract us from the actual story by running off after them.
      This, to me, is a great way of dealing with that - each important but non-action central character gains their own book later. It reminds me of the way in which academic research could send you off down fascinating rabbit holes. They wouldn't fit properly into your thesis, but by turning them into articles or conference papers allowed you to follow your thread to it's natural stopping point without damaging the storyline of your thesis work.
      Like The Goblin Emperor, this is a gentle book, even when there are scenes of action, fear and/or danger, I always felt a certain sense of confort while reading them. I'm looking forward to picking up the next book from the Library in October - it's waiting for me now!
  • A Master of Djinn / P. Djèlí Clark
    • I was initially both pleased and disappointed to see the synopsis of this novel. I'd loved all the short stories the author had already written in this world, but I had a preference for the protagonist of The Haunting of Tram Car 015. However Fatma, the protagonist of the novel and others of the prequel shorts, won me over fairly quickly and I enjoyed her leading role. Other characters we met previously also make cameo (or more meaty) roles, which was pleasant. I love this semi-steampunk alternate historical Cairo setting, especially as I was getting exceedingly bored of yet another novel set in the US.
  • Who Fears Death / Nnedi Okorafor
    • This is again a welcome change of setting for me. It was a hard book, but one I enjoyed. I feel that having aphantasia made it less traumatic to read for me than for many others, so I would counsel anyone with a history of SA to be at least aware of the themes before reading. Did I like the end? No, but also yes. This book took me a long time to read, but unintentionally. I had just started reading it as my commuting book when lockdown happened, and I lost my "enforced reading time", which I'm only just starting to reclaim. Every time I managed to sit down with it, I was disappointed to stop, but then it would be months before I got another chunk of it done. So, on holiday this year I chose one day to just read so I could sit down to finish it all at once. It was worth the effort.
I currently have about 8 books on the go, plus another dozen out from the library (either print, ebook, or audio), so for the rest of this year my plan is to try to whittle those down as much as possible. 
One thing I've given myself, is 15-45 minutes every night to read something - chapter of a book, a short story, an article, doesn't matter. I started when I came back from a conference in Wales earlier this month, and it was lovely. By setting myself small targets, I think I can cheese my brain out of "but I never have the time"... 

Things Suggested to Me

Things I haven't read as of yet, but intend to track down.

Saturday, 24 September 2022

Habits, Rituals & Routines, Part 1

I am neurodiverse. 

I have confirmed, diagnosed, profound ASD. It has also been suggested that I may have some ADHD traits (which may explain other things about my presentation, but that's a musing for later).

I have lots of habits. 

Or so I thought. I have rituals and routines. If I don't follow these in the correct order, each time, then it all falls apart. 

Sometimes "falling apart" is displayed as "Screws up the whole day" - e.g. this is my normal routine fora day when I am immediately leaving the house.

  1. Alarm
  2. Sit up
  3. Faff time - check phone, play game, do Duolingo morning practice
  4. Get out of bed
  5. Make tea and breakfast
  6. Drink tea and eat breakfast at PC, take pills, and read emails
  7. Ablutions
    1. Shower
    2. Deodorant
    3. Brush teeth
    4. Brush hair
  8. Figure out clothes
  9. Dress
  10. Check bag(s)
  11. Shoes
  12. Coat
  13. "Recitation"
  14. Leave house


I woke up late and didn't have time for breakfast and/or showering. I now have forgotten my medications - all of them - and don't know when to have lunch or dinner. 

Coping & Variations

I have coped partially with these by creating alternate routines - so I can't drop the faff time at the beginning, because that's literally part of waking up for me.

If I know I will have problems because of an early start, I also buy eat-as-I-travel breakfast, although drink-tea isn't movable. Not having that one means forgetting pills, which is a bigger problem.

Ablutions. I've learned that I can swap Shower with Wash-at-Sink, which saves hair and drying time. I still have to ensure that the rest is done in order, or I will forget one or more of them. Yes, I have left the house and then realised I forgot to brush may hair. It's a thing.

Choosing clothes has always been an issue. I really miss school and uniforms - at least the most you had to figure out was what version of navy skirt / knitwear was clean!

I only check bags in the morning, because I always try wherever possible to pack things the night before. Why? Because that was what I was told as a child, and it stuck. Plus it works! I find packing things I need to remember to take with me BEFORE I go to bed helps a) reduce anxiety in the morning and b) gives a much better chance of me remembering unusual-thing! My mother was wise here! So, end result is that I check that I put x into my bag, which is calming to see, but I don't have to run around and find it while I'm in the Getting Ready Routine.

I then move into the, again non-negotiable, putting on of shoes and coat. I can adjust what footwear I choose, and when being given a list, I may do things like:

  • Put on ballet flats
  • Put DM boots in bag with spare socks
  • Take boots separately
I do this workaround a lot when at my parents', so there I try to always put the bag my boots go in on top of them the night before, and I keep the same thick outer socks for the week - I don't care if they smell when I'm walking home!
Figuring out weather conditions, and whether to wear a heavy coat, rain coat, light hoodie, or even just a cardigan is still a big issue for me that I need to work around a bit better. Maybe I should invest in a pack-a-mac to keep in my bag, so that I only have to consider warmth levels? I hate the texture of them though, which puts me off. Something to think on!

Other People

Other people in the household can also make or break my routines. If I have to wake up A to get my lift, then that can really get in the way of my routine, as I have to figure out where in MY routine to add "Start A on their routine" for things to go smoothly.
On the positive side of this, my wonderful spouse really helps me. If I wake up late, and they know I'm panicking (or likely to be panicking), I may find that tea and breakfast appear in front of me so that I can merge "Faff time" with "Breakfast", and then go straight into getting my body ready for departure. This has proved invaluable a number of times!

Saturday, 17 September 2022

ASD and Habits

 Just a short one today on habits, losing habits, and ND living.

I've recently been talking to a counsellor who specialises in working with those with neurodivergences, like me. One thing she has drawn my attention to recently is the fact that many neurodivergent brains struggle to/cannot form habits. We can form repetitions which can appear to others on the outside AS habits, but they are different from neurotypical habits. If we get knocked out of our habits, then we have to consciously begin again at the start in forming them - apparently neurotypicals can just "pick up where they left off". That floored me, and has helped in readdressing how I feel about myself.

I'll put up something longer another day on routines vs habits, but the short which is relevant here is that when I lost a "habit" due to my routine altering, I felt bad. Not bad, stupid, idiotic, incompetent... and more importantly, I didn't have the available brain cycles to re-add the lost habit. Whatever external (or internal) thing happened which caused me to "lose" the habit, was also often impeding my ability to re-establish non-vital things into me new routine. And I feel useless about that. I can be so accommodating with others when "life gets in the way", but not with myself.

Writing on here got lost in that. I tried to force myself into a habit of writing at least once a month Or Else (internal pressure here!). What happened was that I felt trapped, and then when changes due to (I think) going on holiday got in the way, I just felt so incompetent that I made it into a self-fulfilling prophecy - "I'm too incompetent to do this thing regularly - see!". So, what has changed? Not a lot, if I'm honest. Do I think I'll manage to update regularly from now on? Maaaaaaaaybe, but probably not! What has changed is that if I write something here, it's a Good Thing. If I don't, then it's NOT a Bad Thing, it's just A Thing. Will I feel guilty? Gods yes, I don't think I can retrain my brain that much just yet!!

So where now? I'm going to draft up a couple of things that are in my brain, and then we shall see. Maybe more in the way of general life updates. Maybe more ASD/ND stuff that's been percolating around for a while. Maybe more costuming stuff as and when - possibly less of that because I really don't have any self-confidence around this area still so sharing stuff feels far more raw and exposing, plus the group I was associated with I currently feel as welcome as a fart in a lift (which might be just me overthinking, but I need(ed) space to process). Hmm, that might also be something I write - "On Processing". I am fairly sure I'm talking into the void on here, but if so, I might also put some more professional-related stuff on too. I have an idea gestating about alt-ac, and how to NOT approach libraries as an alt-ac profession...

In the event that the void wants to read any of those, or even something related I've not suggested, do say as I can think on that too...

Current in-draft-unwritten-thoughts:

  • Faith and ASD - my perspective
  • Current costuming project (a rant one will probably be a quickie upcoming), probably with some ND related content
  • My habits and routines - where they are fixed, and where I currently have found workarounds
  • Reflective writing and ASD - what I find hard about this
  • Counselling - what I've learned
  • How Not to Alt-Ac
  • Differences (for me) between professional conferences and academic ones
  • How having an ND boss has caused me to rethink things about professional-me
  • General life babble - I may try to make that a monthly thing, with "proper" posts written more ad-hoc.
  • Things I've Read Recently - more of a "here's a link" thing than book/article reviews
  • Article reviews - to help with Reflective Writing issues, then summaries of articles every once in a while might be good for me.
Of all the above, I don't plan for any to be regular or soon, except possibly the life babble. Maybe doing that "light" writing will help me write one or more "proper" posts too? Who knows!