Nothing much to add this month. Currently stuck waiting for a gas man for the second day running - just what I wanted to do on my week off!
Still waiting on my MA thesis - even if all is well, I'm now not expecting to start the PhD before Easter at the earliest.
I'd hit a hiatus in research reading because I'd tied myself into mental knots. How? Well, I'd got into the loop of what should I be reading on - further depth for MA thesis, or onwards into reading for the PhD. I think that I'd convinced myself that A) I shouldn't read more for the MA thesis because I shouldn't change where I was (Hmm!), and B) I shouldn't read for the PhD yet because I'd jinx it (Double hmm!). I exasperate myself.
This week I've consciously been trying to break that and start reading again regardless, and it's working.
Currently reading: Peters / Patterns of piety.
Plans for February:
Quadrivium in Leicester
Kathryn Rudy lecture in Cambridge.