Saturday, 18 September 2021

September Musings

 So, I've been guilting myself a lot over what I haven't achieved in the last few months, and I need to stop that. For our own mental and physical health, sometimes we need to have a break, even from the things we do for fun. I needed that break to stop things sliding into obligations instead of fun...

To that end, while I am going to continue writing down each month my plans for that month, I'm only going to do a "what I did" roughly each quarter. I'm also going to count Research for projects as a genuine part of one, not just the bit that comes first. I shall also share the things I've been eyeing up on eBay or auction sites, regardless of whether I will even try to imitate the item or to buy it.

I will keep a running tally of books I've read recently, as I find this is professionally soothing too. 

Speaking of professional matters, I've been remarkably quiet on that front in a very long time. Currently I've feeling very sidelined at work, and due to a reshuffle internally I have also become very aware of the lack of options for progression where I am. I love what I do, and enjoy working with all my colleagues (a feat in itself at some places I've worked!), but now that I've seen that truth I can't unsee it. I don't want to be here in this exact role, earning close to the same wage, for another 25+ years, so I need to look at how I would move on. What skills do "next step" jobs require as essentials which I lack (mostly the old chestnut of 'extensive management experience', which I can't get because I don't have it already), what parts of my job do I need to focus on and what parts can I let go of or delegate. I have applied to a couple of roles speculatively, and got one interview. Unless that interview miraculously turns into a positive job offer*, I plan to spend the next year actively setting myself up for my next role whatever that may be. Work have subscribed us all to LinkedIn learning, so I will go through that this weekend, note down everything I feel will add to my skill-set positively, and then add those to my list for my next PDR as that is conveniently up for review shortly. Basically I am taking the initial resentment and dissatisfaction and reshaping that into motivation and forward professional momentum. It's very easy to be unhappy where you are and yet do nothing to improve that. There are some definite positives in remaining where I am for the next year or so, but I am now realising that I need to simultaneously plan my exit strategy. 

*Positive job offer, because not all offers are positive nor are they roles you want to take after your interview experience.

Exit Strategy

  • Identify essential skills I am lacking
    • Find ways to meet those requirements either within work, or by taking on a role outside work
  • Identify skills which I have and want to improve, as this would be an area I desire to work with more
    • Work on those skills
  • Monitor job alerts - both nationally and internationally
    • Identify locations and sectors I am willing to work in
    • Where I see something I like, start the application form - even if I don't submit it, the process will be valuable for identifying areas I need to reinforce
    • If I see roles that are two steps ahead of me now, note their requirements and add those into my skill-set plan - while I might not be able to do that now, I don't really want to be in exactly the same situation in 5-10 years hence.

What I've Read (since July because backlog!)

Black Moth / Georgette Heyer (audiobook)

Friday, 17 September 2021

Life Planning

 Following on from my last post, I think I need to schedule some kind of life planning schema for my future. What do I want to do, what do I need to do/be/have in order to do this, and then a plan to work on an aspect of this each month. This plan is going to structured in such as way as to not constrain anything in particular to a specific day or date, but which acknowledges the factors necessary to achieve each step of the journey. I also accept and embrace that I may decide that certain factors are no longer of interest or important to me any more. 

We change, we adapt, and that's not bad!

This is version 0.1 of my "the rest of my life" plan. The format will be:

Ultimate goal - the final aim of this "thread"

Subordinate goals - goals which need to be separately aimed for in order to progress to the Ultimate Goal

Tasks - thinks that need to be done to achieve either Ultimate or Subordinate goals

Maintenance tasks - things that need to be done regularly or repeatedly in order to continue progress towards Ultimate and Subordinate goals. Like sleeping, these tasks don't necessarily take you closer to your goal each time, but completing them enables you to work on the other tasks, which do progress things.

I will include a flow-chart-like thing, which is to show how certain tasks filter into other tasks.

This layout works for craft projects, housework, anything really!

Today I am just going to write out my Ultimate Goals, and then a few wishy-washy things I have wanted but am not sure whether they still fit with me-now...

Ultimate Goals


Children - IF means not biological, so working towards DE and adoption.
Living - nearer to family OR nearer to access to family
House - slightly bigger, with a proper kitchen, a separate eating and resting room, and space for crafting. Home office if that remains a consideration


Earn more
Work/life ratio
Importance to organisation


Language skills - Russian to MA level
Further study - restart/continue MA studies; translation studies
More subjects - take course on geology, take course on corsetry, take course on pattern grading

Leisure activities

Sewing all my own clothes
Learn to grade clothes
Complete set of clothes for each decade from 1800