Thursday, 1 October 2020

October craft plan

 I've decided I'm going to post a simple projects plan at the beginning of each month. Three contingencies though for my mental health:

  1. No guilt - If time slips, it slips, I will not feel guilt for life, health, or finances altering my plans
  2. Plans may change - I can make any changes needed to allow for life, health, and "other stuff"
  3. Nothing is final - To allow for the above, I acknowledge that plans are just that, plans, not final decisions.

October craft plan

  1. Harvest hat
    a) Regency
    b) 1890s/Edwardian
  2. Fan-skirt (wool blend)
  3. Mock-up stays
    Because needed for November dress mock-up
  4. Mock-up Edwardian blouse
    If time
  1. Continue work on Regency stays
  2. Mock-up Regency dress
  3. Final Edwardian blouse
  1. Final stays
    a) Lots of adjusting probably needed, and
    b) December is likely to be busy!
  2. Christmas presents!
  1. Final Regency dress
  1. Petticoat
  2. Chemise
  3. American Duchess cape, but with a hood
  4. 1890s men's three piece suit
  5. 1830s men's three piece suit
  6. 100% wool skirt

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