On Saturday morning I finally received my feedback from my viva. On Tuesday afternoon I'm meeting up with my supervisor (over Skype). I allowed myself the weekend to feel miserable about being told my original thesis was shit and needed a complete overhaul, and now tonight I have to get on with going through their comments to make a list of the changes needed. I need to learn from my mistakes otherwise I a) won't get this past the examiners on the second attempt, and b) if I DID get it past them, I certainly won't get through a PhD viva!
Plan for (the remainder of) September:
- Make list of Things to Fix from examiners comments
- Meet with Supervisor
- Agree timetable for corrections with supervisor
- Complete update of transcriptions
- Send updated transcriptions to supervisor
Future points:
- Re-read / Read material to add into Chapter 1
- Revise Chapter 1
- Needs more material actively cited
- Revise Chapter 4/5